Treatments For Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation (PE) is when you reach orgasm less than 30 minutes after you begin or after only one ejaculation. There's no certain timing when a guy should ejaculate either, but when you ejaculate too soon and lose your erection, you and your mate may feel that there's just no time to have fun. Premature ejaculation effects men of all ages and can be treated, and it's completely normal.
There are many causes of premature ejaculation and they range from psychological causes such as stress and worry to physical causes such as muscle tension from being tired or overworked. One of the many treatments for premature ejaculation is SSRIs, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. They work by narrowing down serotonin activity in the brain which usually causes premature ejaculation by helping men control their ejaculations. Some side effects of this drug include anxiety, headache, nausea, dizziness, and upset stomach.
Many physicians believe that premature ejaculation is a learned behavior. The fear and apprehension of sex that are part of the sexual experience in teenage years often causes men to ejaculate sooner than they'd prefer. Many physicians also believe that premature ejaculation is caused by hypnosis. Because many sexual problems are psychosomatic and because masturbation often solves such problems, doctors believe that premature ejaculation is caused by a lack of self-confidence and comfort with one's own sexuality.
There are several ways to prevent premature ejaculation. The most common are by using condoms that contain spermicide, preventing pre-ejaculatory stimulation with masturbation before first intercourse, and performing well in bed during intercourse to ensure that there is constant stimulation throughout. If these methods are unsuccessful, the next option available is to use medications. These treatments can be used for approximately 30 minutes to one hour in order to control symptoms. Click here for more details about 日本藤素
When considering treatments for premature ejaculation, the doctor will first want to assess the patient's sexual dysfunction. Sometimes, the cause of the problem is not in the penis itself but in some way related to the body's nervous system or the psychological processes going on in the patient. If a physical problem exists, the doctor will try medication first. For psychological issues, the doctor may try psychotherapy, counseling or self-help techniques to address the issue.
SSRIs, or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, are one type of treatment for premature ejaculation. They are sometimes used to treat depression or anxiety disorders as well. Common dosage sizes are: One pill approximately thirty minutes before intercourse. Two pills approximately ten minutes before, two pills approximately fifteen minutes before, and a third pill approximately thirty minutes after sex. Some doctors will also prescribe these as a single tablet to start.
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