How To Proceed With a DCP Distribution
The DPCH seeks to implement a distribution management system that will allow for the safe storage and distribution of controlled hazardous waste (CAD DW) on public and private owned property. As defined in the DPCH, "a controlled hazardous waste" is one that meets the following criteria-it needs to be tested for safety and performance, controlled so that no substantial hazard to the environment exists during its disposal, and that the management of the hazardous waste complies with applicable requirements under the law. This information was included in the stipend to the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, or CDS, as approved by the Secretary of State. However, some have questioned whether the stipend to the compact does not itself violate state statutes that attempt to protect public health, safety, and environmental quality. There are three basic types of DPCHs that must be established within one calendar year. The first type is a "qualified compromise". Under this classi...