Facts About Football
Football is a popular sport played with a spherical ball between two teams consisting of eleven players. It is the most popular sport in the world, and is played in more than 200 countries. There are around 250 million people who play the game. Here are some facts about football. Read on to learn more. To learn more about the history of football, check out the Wikipedia page on it. It is the world's most popular sport. The game was first played in China, according to FIFA. There are many historical records of ball games based around kicking a ball, including ancient Egyptian and Roman games. The most ancient version of football was believed to have been played in China as early as the 2nd century B.C. The medieval European version of the game was much different, with both the offense and defense attempting to kick the ball across the opposing team's goal line. The game was also influenced by the Harpastum, an aggressive type of football popular in East Anglia. The first footbal...